Diploma of Learning, Metaphysical, Holographic & Vibrational Energies
Prerequisite: PKP™ Practitioner Certification – Kinesiopractic® level 1
Help the young struggling to learn or the aging with neural decline
This is the Diploma for those who want to assist clients struggling to comprehend and perform in their studies, or the ageing whose neurological performance is decreasing.
You will understand yourself better: your reactions on autopilot under stress, your individual aptitudes. You will see how key facial features show your talents and strengths, your constitutional health challenges and what personality traits you can develop in your life. You will learn to appreciate those strengths, understand challenges, how to get your needs met and also how to relate to others better through understanding their instinctual behaviour, strengths and challenges.
There are dozens of fascinating new tools to balance meridian energy, including from a 3-D perspective. You will ‘get’ what a body stance means; use reflexes from the toes to the ears; use iridology and essential oils. Experience the healing of flower images and essences, and the power of gems & crystals. Explore homeopathic remedies, tissue salts, clearing chakras and auras, and using other vibrational and metaphysical techniques.
Once you have completed the Stress & Pain Management Certification you may take the remaining Certifications in any order you like. We also recommend completing the Red Flags in Kinesiopractic® Certification as soon as possible. (If you have already completed these Certifications as part of another Diploma, you do not need to take them again; you are already well on your way to completing the Diploma of Learning, Metaphysical, Holographic & Vibrational Energies.)

This Qualification includes:
LDP = Lecture, Demonstration, Practice.
HS = Home Study
OC = Off campus (taken with an external provider)