Dr Bruce Dewe MD

Bruce was recognised as one of the Founding Fathers of Kinesiology at the 2005 TFHKA Convention in the USA.
Bruce has been a medical doctor for over 55 years with wide experience in many fields including A&E, health & safety in the hydro power and tunnelling industries, obstetrics, general practice and preventive medicine.
Bruce met Applied Kinesiology in 1977, became a Touch for Health Instructor and the first South Pacific Instructor Trainer. He developed the Goal, Colour and Sound Balances while teaching TFH. Based on his experience lecturing in Anatomy & Physiology at the Auckland Medical School, and interest in targeting care for injured joints (e.g. shoulders & ankles), he began researching extra muscles beyond the 42 from TFH and AK.
In 1980 Dr. John Thie DC encouraged Bruce to study AK, take their exams and become a member of the International College of Applied Kinesiology. Bruce loved Dr George Goodheart DC’s teaching and had his personal encouragement to find non-chiropractic alternatives.
Bruce became chairman of the TFH International Faculty in 1984, was a TFH Foundation Board member, and wrote the foreword to the 1994 edition of John’s manual. When the TFH Foundation closed, Dr Thie entrusted Bruce with the TFH Synthesis, as Trustee, to form the IKC in Zürich.

Inspired by quantum physics, transactional analysis, Microsoft Multiplan, and Dr. Beardall’s four basic finger modes, Bruce began new research in 1982 on his personal, tactile, digital language. The result was a reproducible, nine column, numbered database on his left hand that enabled the use of muscle monitoring to allow a client’s body to ‘reveal’ what it needed. He taught the first 30 points of his submode and minimode language and 25 new muscles at the first Bali research workshop in 1986. (Today PKP™ has 125+ muscles.)
In 1994, the AKA awarded Bruce for his “outstanding contribution to the development of Kinesiology in Australia”.
Together, Bruce & Joan evolved the PKP™ Protocol, a process which allows the whole being (body/soul/spirit) to participate. As the level of consciousness of both the practitioner and client expands, so does Spirit input.

In 1997, after Bruce & Joan spent 7 years on an Expert Panel, New Zealand had its first professional kinesiology syllabus on the Educational Framework (administered by the NZ Qualifications Authority) and subsequently a Level 7 (488 Credits) Diploma in Kinesiology in 2008.
Bruce was an international lecturer who could put difficult concepts into simple, easily assimilated modules. His entertaining style of presentation, created a worldwide demand for his PKP™ and K-Power® workshops.