Mastery of Emotional Stress Release
20 powerful stress-defusion techniques
The workshop, Mastery of Emotional Stress Release addresses the greatest weakness in most kinesiology training programs – stress management. The ESR – emotional stress release – technique taught in BKP 101 or it’s extension F/O holding is often all kinesiologists have in their tool box. They manage stress by ‘holding heads and hoping’ the brain will sort it out for them. Kinesiologists are not counselors and the use of techniques taught in counseling courses is sometimes far from appropriate in a kinesiology setting.
After completing this unit you will be able to extend the use of basic frontal/occipital holding, and by using the 20 different skills from this workshop you can assist the client: to find new resources, apply the video-rewrite method, brainstorm, make up new possibilities, use their senses and intuition, state what they are feeling, want and are willing to do to achieve this, with or without the use of imagery.
This will include but is not limited to jewels, balloons, grounding rods, picture frames and symbolic encapsulation and the hypothesis of an older, wiser self, to enable the client to defuse stress related, but not limited, to challenges to authority and terminating a relationship. This is applied within, or without, the context of active listening or role play.
This is a fun (and challenging) workshop that properly applied will indeed be the pathway to Mastery of Emotional Stress Release.
Elements of Learning:
- Frontal/Occipital holding – Em #1
- New resources
- TV-video re-write
- Make it up
- Senses input
- Brainstorming
- Active listening – advanced
- Feel/want/willing
- Intuition
- Grounding rod
- Terminating a relationship
- Balloon popping
- Worry basket
- Worry box
- Older, wiser part of me to the child within
- Role play – 2 chairs, surrogate input
- Jewel imagery
- Symbolic encapsulation
- Challenges to authority
- Picture frame
- Utilise all techniques learned to date within the PKP Balancing Protocol
- BKP 1.110