After PKP™ Practitioner Certification you have the choice of many different Certification Programs depending on your interests and what intrigues, fascinates or captivates your attention.

IICT approved course badge

All courses and qualifications offered by ICPKP are approved by the International Institute for Complementary Therapies.

For example, the young mother of three children is more likely to choose a Learning Enhancement Certification than a Ligament & Joint Management Certification that appeals to the retired athlete. Just two programs are compulsory as part of our various Diplomas: the Stress and Pain Management Certification Program and the Red Flags in Kinesiopractic® Certification which brings you the wisdom of knowing what is beyond your scope and that you should be referring on to another professional.

In the PKP™ Syllabus there are hundreds of techniques that you can learn. The NZQA education authorities call these "elements of learning" and groups of these elements make up each of the PKP™ Units. We are fortunate to have many original PKP 1 - 4 Instructors around the world who have taught thousands of students since the 1970s. They told us what combinations of techniques they felt helped students learn the material most easily. In 1991 - 1997 this advice was invaluable when the KPAB Expert Panel worked with NZQA for nearly seven years to produce the world-first, government accredited Diploma in Kinesiology ID # 0629. The 2007 revision produced a new Level 7 Diploma in Kinesiology (ID #110032) which was at bachelors degree standard. (Recent widespread government-led changes to the tertiary training sector led to the disestablishment of all Level 7 Diplomas in New Zealand.) The PKP Syllabus however has continued to evolve to accomodate those not able to commit to a 4-year full time course of study but want to add new tools to their tool kit as they develop their career. That's what our Certification Courses are all about.

International Certification in High Level Wellness & Vitality

Study the foundational principles of kinesiology and complete our entry-level qualification, the International Certification in High Level Wellness & Vitality Therapy.


ICPKP® Stress and Pain Management Certification Program

This Certification program can be completed very early on your journey to becoming a practitioner and it’s the starting point for all our Diploma qualifications.


ICPKP® Red Flags in Kinesiopractic® Certification Program

Learn to recognise the red flags that mean it’s time to refer your client to a medical professional.


TFH Graduates Cross-Over Course

FPK 2 bridges the educational gap between “TFH 1 – 4” and “BKP 101 – 105”, allowing TFH 4 graduates to proceed on to BKP 106 and beyond.


ICPKP® Learning Enhancement Certification Program

If you want to help children with learning challenges, this certification program is your bread and butter. Parents and caregivers will bless you.


ICPKP® Lymph Protocol Certification Program

The breast and neck lymph release and aftercare teaching, alone, will bring you many referrals.


ICPKP® Pelvic Protocol Certification Program

Pelvic incompetence or low back pain limit many lives. Learn new techniques to help provide long lasting relief.


ICPKP® Ligament and Joint Management Certification Program

About 1 in 10 people in the UK have temporomandibular (TMJ) dysfunction and it is even more common in the USA. Learning these protocols will empower you to help people mentally, emotionally and physically.


ICPKP® Hypertonic Muscle & Trigger Point Certification Program

Muscle trauma can cause spasticity, which makes walking, talking, and even sitting difficult. Emotional trauma can do the same. Hypertonic Muscle Release (HMR) can be used to deal with this.


ICPKP® Musculoskeletal Protocol Certification Program

These regional muscle protocols enable a professional, indepth assessment and care for local musculo-skeletal problems.


ICPKP® Metaphysical & Vibrational Energies Certification Program

It’s easy, it is fun and the incredible insights will impress even you.


ICPKP® Meridian & Holographic Energies Certification Program

Access the profoundness of ancient practices and experience the power of new holographic concepts.


ICPKP® Behavioural Genetics Certification Program

These two carefree, laughter-filled, instructive, insightful weekend workshops help take the stress off thoughts like “Why can’t I be like…?” and “Why does that person make my hackles rise?”


ICPKP® Dietary and Nutritional Science Certification Program

New tools to help clients suffering from a range of dietary and nutritional challenges. This can become a Specialty Practice.


ICPKP® Energy Psychology Certification Program

The 10 weekends that you spend on this systematic pathway will progressively enhance your life and your business.