Ms Susan Koschel

Susan began practising as a kinesiologist in 2001. “I was drawn to kinesiology when I was searching for a modality that could support my young family to live healthy and thrive, as opposed to survive and “live with” distress and ill health. Finding kinesiology and ICPKP was like coming home. ” Over the years Susan has worked with a large …

Mr. John Holodnak

John Holodnak has been involved in Kinesiology since 1987 studying most modalities of Kinesiology (Touch for Health; 3 in 1 Concepts; Applied Physiology; Blue Print [now Educating Alternatives]; Neural Organisation Technique (NOT); and more)  accumulating in excess of 1500 hours training covering areas of structural, muscular, nutritional, emotional, electrical (meridians, acupressure), brain integration, neurological enhancement and subtle energy stress factors. …