Other News:

Final FAC 3 Graduation
10 November 2022Months of preparation and ten days of hard work have seen the completion of the last FAC 3 Faculty training course which was held in Auckland, New Zealand from 31 Oct – 9 Nov 2022.

New Faculty Members complete FAC1 Online
21 April 2022The first fully online Faculty Admission Course (FAC) 1 has just been completed and several new ICPKP Faculty Members released to begin their own teaching careers. Denise Gurney, ICPKP Senior Faculty Trainer (UK) did a masterful job of wrestling with new technology, ably assisted by Faculty Member Penny Davey.

Enliven Graduation Ceremony
14 April 2022Enliven Kinesiology graduates recently enjoyed their graduation ceremony.

FAC 1 Online for 2022
10 March 2022CPKP Professional Faculty Trainer, Denise Gurney, has been running a pioneering Online Faculty Admission Course (FAC) Level 1 during March 2022. At the time of writing they are partway through and all adapting nicely to the online learning environment

Honouring Walter Schmitt
17 January 2022Dr Bruce and Joan Dewe would like to acknowledge the recent passing of their friend and one of the founding fathers of Kinesiology, Dr Walter Schmitt.

Enliven Kinesiology Graduates Class of 2021
14 December 2021ICPKP Faculty Member Naomi Pickles, Principal of Enliven Kinesiology, has been guiding her students through the Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice, while navigating the challenges of Covid19 restrictions. Naomi says, “This group has been an absolute pleasure and delight to teach and their ability to pivot and adjust during COVID has been incredible.”

Tribute to ICPKP Senior Faculty Member, Val McArthur
16 August 2021Much loved Senior ICPKP Faculty Member, Valerie (Val) McArthur, passed away peacefully on 13 August 2021 after a brave battle.

PKP UK Conference 2019 Energises Faculty and Practitioners
24 September 2019An international group of delegates enjoyed four days of events at Hollin Hall hotel in the Cheshire countryside. Firstly Dr Dewe taught Red Flags for Kinesiologists and gave everyone clear guidelines on how to recognise those symptoms which need referrals to a medical practitioner.

A Successful Touch For Health Conference
24 May 2019Dr Bruce and Joan Dewe recently returned from the USA where they were privileged to attend and hold workshops at the 44th Annual TFHKA Conference in Boise, Idaho.

First Epigenetic Healing Cycles workshop in Wodonga
5 October 2018K-Power® Instructor Natasha Jackman recently held her first Epigenetic Healing Cycles workshop in Wodonga, Victoria, and is delighted with the results.

Faculty Training Graduates Celebrate in Dubai
5 July 2018ICPKP Affiliated College, Kinesiocoach, recently hosted a successful Faculty Training Workshop at their Dubai campus.

Healing In a Maximum Security Prison – now Online
5 April 2018Eight years ago South African ICPKP Faculty Member, Gabby Fels, published her ground-breaking book on the use of Kinesiology in Leeuwkop Maximum Security Prison for men.