Professional Kinesiology Services
We use the latest techniques in Kinesiology to bring the body into balance thereby allowing it to heal itself.
Faculty, please customise this sample content to suit your college. Be sure to mention the unique selling points that make your college a great place to learn PKP and keep it focused on the benefits to the students who study at your college.
Here at Professional Kinesiology Services we offer training to level __ Kinesiopractic® and we start with PKP’s™ Energisers and Self Care unit, BKP 101. We know that to help others learn, grow and embrace life to the full, we must also be taking care of ourselves.
In BKP 101 you will have fun with three different energy boosting techniques using self-energiser trigger points (NEs, NVs & NLs) and the powerful meridian energiser trace. You will also learn vision and hearing techniques, the walking gait energising reflexes, and crosscrawl self integration.
You can then use these easy techniques to help others, first with family and friends and later with clients, along with ESR (a powerful emotional stress release technique) and emotional trigger words.
You will love the energising power of a specific goal, and the ability to perform a ‘time of day’ kinesiology energy balance on yourself using whole body testing.
Click here for details about BKP 101 and the next five classes that make up the Certificate in High Level Wellness & Vitality Therapy.
Each person’s health and well being is ultimately their responsibility. However, just as knowledge in every area of science is increasing rapidly, so it is in regard to the understanding of how our body’s function. Frequently, the latest discoveries and science prove that our past understanding of how our body functions, is actually quite different than what is now known.
At Professional Kinesiology Services we offer classes in:
- Nutrition Testing
- Basic Kinesiology Practice and Touch For Health™
- K-Power®
- Professional Kinesiology Practice
Stephen Woodward is one of a very small number of Professional Kinesiology Practitioners in the United States. He is certified as an International College of Professional Kinesiology® Faculty, K-Power® and Touch for Health Instructor and teaches regularly. He continues to learn both through his daily experience working with clients and attending cutting edge training on the latest discoveries.
Stephen was an independent contractor in the Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) area of the Goshen Health Systems for 4 years. In 2006 he opened his own office to expand and diversify services.
Contact Professional Kinesiology Services
Phone: (574) 596-1849
Address: Suite 3, 1726 West Lincoln Avenue, Goshen, IN, 46526, United States
Qualifications and Courses we teach
PKP™ Practitioner Certification – Kinesiopractic® level 1
Diploma of Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation & Reintegration
Diploma of Learning, Metaphysical, Holographic & Vibrational Energies
Diploma of Dietary and Nutritional Science
Diploma of Energy Psychology
Click here to learn more about the ICPKP Syllabus and the various Qualifcations and Courses available.