International Certification in High Level Wellness & Vitality

In by Brad Tipper

Prerequisite: None

Study the foundational principles of kinesiology and complete our entry-level qualification, the International Certification in High Level Wellness & Vitality.

Duration: 6 months

FPK 1 Foundational Principles of Kinesiology™

The 6 units of kinesiology material that form the foundational principles of the ICPKP courses including those that are also taught to the lay-public.

This course includes:

Code Name Type
BKP101-en Energisers and Self Care LDP
BKP102-en Proficient Manual Muscle Testing LDP
BKP103-en Introduction to the Law of 5-Elements LDP
BKP104-en The Body’s Superficial Energy Connections LDP
BKP105-en The Law of 5-Elements In Depth LDP
RBT201-en Clinical Body Contact, Palpation and Draping LDP

LDP = Lecture, Demonstration, Practice.
HS = Home Study
OC = Off campus (taken with an external provider)
IICT approved course badge

All courses and qualifications offered by ICPKP are approved by the International Institute for Complementary Therapies.

Qualifications that contain this course:

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