Red Flags in Clinical Practice
This unit is about becoming a practised health professional who is a true member of an Integrated Health Team and not just ‘an alternative therapist’. No other kinesiology system provides a unit on ‘Red Flags’ but Dr Dewe says that ‘PKP practitioners must be aware of signs and symptoms that are beyond their scope of practice and they need to know enough about the process of medical diagnosis, even though they don’t treat diagnoses, to be able to refer clients appropriately before a medical emergency occurs’.
‘Red Flags’ in PKP is about “staying within the boundaries of safe clinical practice”. As members of the health industry, you will develop an understanding of the assessment routine, diagnostic process and treatment implementation used in “orthodox” medical practice as well as most natural therapies and traditional health and healing modalities. This model, the result of the Cartesian division, is very different from both the Energy Medicine understanding of the connection between the physiological and subconscious worlds and the participatory model of the Professional Kinesiology Practitioner Protocol.
As you complete this unit you will extend your case history taking to include standard systematic questions and flow charts to determine when a problem is within the scope of PKP and to know the difference between an unlocking muscle (as understood in the PKP system) and a muscle weakness that indicates that referral is necessary.
You will be able to explain an orthodox assessment routine and diagnostic process compared to the Professional Kinesiology Practitioner Protocol and you will learn to clearly recognise ‘Red Flag’ situations and refer to medical or other specialist care.
Finally you will be able to implement a treatment plan and re-assess health and well-being status during and following PKP balancing processes.
Click here for scheduled Red Flags courses.
Note: this unit is taught only by specialist ICPKP Red Flags Faculty members. Students who have not yet completed the prerequisite PKP™ Practitioner Certification may be permitted to take OCT 302 Red Flags early if they have completed BKP 101-106 or FPK2 Crossover Course for TFH Graduates, at the discretion of the Red Flags Faculty member.