Abby Mounter

Hi I’m Abby Mounter, a qualified practitioner with an International Advanced Diploma of Kinesiopractics. Ive been helping people change their lives since 2014 and also training Kinesiologists do the same. My passion for this modality originates from my own healing journey, where Kinesiology not only changed my life and restored my health and well-being but allowed me to discover my …

Kinesiology Centre

Kinesiology Centre – Where people learn, grow and become successful Kinesiologists.

Verena Stevenson

Ever since I came first in contact with kinesiology I was fascinated by its potential. After immigrating to New Zealand I was fortunate to study with one of best colleges and most passionate teachers in the world: ICPKP. Having studied also other kinesiological systems and modalities, I am still intrigued by PKP’s super holistic nature and its qualities of an …

Evolutionary Well-Being

Faculty, please customise this sample content to suit your college. Be sure to mention the unique selling points that make your college a great place to learn PKP and keep it focused on the benefits to the students who study at your college. Here at Evolutionary Well-Being we offer training to level __ Kinesiopractic® and we start with PKP’s™ Energisers …

Coastal Kinesiology

Coastal Kinesiology’s specialty is catering for students who have to travel long distances to class and to tailor a programme that makes it affordable to do so. I continue to mentor students not only through the learning journey but after graduation when they are starting their businesses. They may need help with certain clients or have ‘forgotten’ how to do a particular technique. This takes the stress of learning and becoming an independent, self employed practitioner..

Jeannine de Vere Hunt

Professional Member and Chancellor of the Kinesiology Practitioners Accreditation Board A healthy body and mind is the greatest gift you can give yourself to live the life you deserve. Jeannine’s gift and joy is to guide clients to achieve their goals and to handle all life throws at them with ease. Its starts with the best nutrition to heal whatever …