Treatment Planning and Assessment 2

In by Brad Tipper

Treatment Planning and Assessment 2

Home Study Unit

The Diploma of Kinesiology HLT 51507 contains only four ASQA units of material (see below) which are unique to advanced Kinesiology studies. We have grouped these as a single module – TPA 2 – because ASQA requires that certain essential knowledge, skills and related assessments be presented in a manner that makes centralised auditing an easy process.

Both Dr. Dewe MD and Mrs Joan Dewe MA (a former tertiary education principal) believe that simply teaching to government assessments does not often provide the most useful industry-applicable education. This module TPA 2 allows students to complete their ASQA Assessments as they learn the advanced kinesiology material from an industry-based, client and practice oriented perspective which ICPKP calls ‘PKP 2’ – a series of Gold Standard Industry Protocols which maximize clinical application.

This unit contains the following Australian national qualification standards:

  • HLTKIN506B Perform an advanced kinesiology health assessment
  • HLTKIN507B Plan an advanced kinesiology session
  • HLTKIN508B Apply an advanced kinesiology assessment framework
  • HLTKIN509B Monitor and evaluate kinesiology balances

Elements of Learning:

  • Treatment Principles and Practice
  • The Assessment Process
  • Treatment Planning
  • Case Management

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