Introduction to the Law of 5-Elements
Five Element yin, sound & colour balances
This unit develops an elementary understanding of and skill in using basic 5-Element principles for energy balancing.
Those completing this unit will be able to demonstrate skill; apply sound, colour, food, emotional and vertebral balancing techniques; utilise circuit locating, and the challenge; use the 5-Element principle to perform an eight muscle energy balance and select the priority balancing procedure.
Elements of Learning:
- 5-Element principles
- Circuit Locating (CL-ing)
- Supraspinatus, teres major and six yin muscle tests:
Middle deltoid
Pectoralis major sternal (PMS)
Latissimus dorsi
Gluteus medius - Yin balance – fix-as-you-go
- Yin balance – one point
- Introduction to 5-Element emotions
- Vertebral reflexes
- Checking the changes – the challenge procedure
- Re-test all pretests
- Strengthening an unlocked muscle with food
- 5-Element colour balance
- 5-Element sound balance
- Selecting an appropriate balance
- BKP 1.102