Hypertonic Release – Arms and Legs

In by Brad Tipper

Hypertonic Release – Arms and Legs

This 2nd unit extends your skills and understanding in using PKP techniques to correct hypertonicity in specific muscles of the arm, hand, leg and foot muscles, working in a gentle passive manner similarly to PNF but with the added safety factor of precision muscle testing.

The study of hypertonic muscle release can enable you to safely and comfortably help athletes and other clients who have muscles that will not release when they need to.

You will be able to teach clients the use of basic self-correction exercises for these muscles, apply hypertonic muscle release to correct muscle reactivity, demonstrate the application of hypertonic muscle release in sport and industry, describe muscle structure and proprioceptive function.

Elements of learning:

  • Muscle types and function
  • Muscle proprioceptors
  • Hypertonic muscle release
  • Muscle reactivity and hypertonicity
  • Self-correction exercises
  • Application of hypertonic muscle release
  • Utilise all techniques learned to date within the PKP Balancing Protocol


  • HMR201