Business, Finance, Records

In by Brad Tipper

Business, Finance, Records

New Zealand requires all therapists to take a unit in this subject. Details of what is relevant in a New Zealand practice are different from other countries, which is why we do not have our own internal courseware for the unit.

RPL Details:

There are two ways to qualify for RPL.

  1. The student completes a BFR-equivalent course in their own country, containing material similar to that listed below. Their college applies to ICPKP for RPL for the unit in the usual way.
  2. Alternatively, they may be eligible for RPL based on current/previous experience. This is also known as Recognition for Current Competance (RCC).
    • To qualify, the student must be able to prove they have held the position of Office Manager (or eqivalent) for at least two years with responsibilities including payroll, accounts payable/receivable, banking, invoicing, etc.
    • If currently self employed or a business owner, the student should be meeting the requirements below and/or have some recognised business training (with a Certificate) and should provide their college with evidence they they know the current regulations for their country/state/city.

This is the standard that NZQA require and we think this will help Faculty when choosing a course for your people, in your country:

Elements and Performance Criteria

Element 1
Plan and establish a professional clinical practice.

Performance Criteria:

  • 1.1 Budget matches estimated costs for setting up a clinical practice.
  • 1.2 Premises and facilities meet clinical practice requirements and statutory obligations.
    Range: furnishings, fittings, equipment, telecommunications system, cleaning and laundry services, professional stationery, first aid equipment.
  • 1.3 Staffing resources meet clinical practice requirements.
  • 1.4 Business plan is prepared in accordance with clinical practice requirements.

Element 2
Maintain clinical practice operating procedures.

Performance Criteria:

  • 2.1 Business and client record keeping systems are maintained in accordance with recognised professional standards.
  • 2.2 Compliance with local body and national occupational health and safety requirements establishes safe clinical practice.

Element 3
Liaise with other health professionals.

Performance Criteria:

  • 3.1 Prompt actioning of information requests from other health professionals concerning client health status establishes effective liaison.
  • 3.2 Client consent is established in accordance with current legislative requirements.
  • 3.3 Up to date listing of other health professionals and suppliers is maintained in terms of information and referral relevant to practice.

Courses that contain this unit:

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