Advanced muscle techniques, Reactivity and Posture
This is a very satisfying advanced practical skills workshop. The material in this unit sets the PKP practitioner apart from other kinesiologists. You will learn advanced skills in deciphering and correcting perpetual muscle weakness – such as repetitive action, overstretching and hidden muscle failure.
The unit develops skill and understanding in correcting reactivity in muscles and meridians with (and without) circuit retaining or reactive modes. To develop skill in observing postural imbalance; to extend techniques in balancing energy in muscles.
After completing this unit you will demonstrate muscle facilitation and inhibition; identify and correct muscle and meridian reactivity, evaluate posture, apply muscle stretch response, sustained muscle use, hidden muscle failure, specific circuit and contralateral spindle techniques to improve posture and function.
You will learn how to retain a circuit so you can hold one piece of information while looking for the matching data. You will find this very helpful in working out obscure reactivity problems in the body whether they be between muscles or meridians.
As well as in-depth postural analysis and balancing to align the body’s posture, you will also learn to re-activate signals when a sequence of muscle triggers gets interrupted.
What you will learn in BKP 109™:
- Facilitation and inhibition of muscles
- Circuit retaining mode
- Principles of reactivity
- Reactive muscles
- Reactive meridians
- Muscle stretch response
- Sustained muscle use
- Hidden muscle failure
- Specific circuits
- Contralateral spindles
- Postural observation and analysis
- Utilise all techniques in the PKP Balancing Protocol
- BKP 1.108