Heart finds a healthy balance
I have had a number of energy balances of the past several years but none like a balance I received in November 2003. I went for this balance (with UK PKP Kinesiologist, Denise Gurney) with the very specific objective of addressing occasional bouts of atrial fibrillation, events where my heart looses its normal rhythm and goes into a rapid and somewhat random beat. I would feel terrible, both physically and emotionally when these events occurred.
This balance, like all of them, started with a stated objective which is then proved true or refined through muscle testing of my body’s energy pathways. In this particular case my concerns with my heart was the primary issue to be addressed, in fact there were no other issues that surfaced. Through the disciplined and methodical PKP approach we addressed the energy issues surrounding my heart and one by one found and corrected the problems. At the end of that session I knew I was back in balance and that the problem had been addressed in a way the traditional guys were not even close to figuring out.