Mrs Claire Vannuccini

In by Claire Vannuccini

PKP Qualifications:
  • Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice (Kinesiopractic® Level 1)
  • Diploma of Professional Kinesiology Practice
  • (Advanced) Diploma of Kinesiopractic®
  • Graduate Diploma of Kinesiopractic®
  • Diploma of Dietary and Nutritional Science
  • Diploma of Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation & Reintegration
  • Diploma of Learning, Metaphysical, Holographic & Vibrational Energies
  • Diploma of Energy Psychology
  • ICPKP Faculty Member
  • ICPKP Senior Faculty Member
  • K-Power® Instructor
As a PKP™ Practitioner, Claire Vannuccini uses the PKP™ Fingermode Protocol with clients.

Hi, I’m Claire, a passionate Kinesiopractor®, Teacher, Mentor & College owner who loves her job!

Beginning my journey in nutrition and naturopathy, I ultimately found my love in Kinesiology where I’ve continued to evolve successfully for over a decade.  I fell in love with the discovery and power of Kinesiology due to its ability to address the mental and emotional aspects of health.  I believe that our thoughts, feelings and beliefs can affect our physical well-being and prevent us from reaching our full potential, and that Kinesiology can help us overcome and heal from a variety of ailments, including physical ones.

Kinesiology has transformed my life in many ways by assisting me to find my true love, pursue my dreams, balance my hormones, improve my mental focus, increase my energy, recover from sporting injuries and much more.  That’s why I call it psychology for the WHOLE BODY!


I love nothing more than going on a quest to assist you to discover your true potential.  For bookings simply head to Kineffects. I offer in-person and online sessions.

Other Qualifications:

College Owner and Principal at The Northern School of Kinesiology

Contact Claire

Work Phone: 0412 375 684