The Body’s Superficial Energy Connections

In by Brad Tipper

The Body’s Superficial Energy Connections

Meridians, organ systems, surrogates, 14 muscle Goal Balance

This unit introduces an understanding of the philosophy, principles and history of Kinesiology; to extend the understanding of meridians and their related organ systems and to develop proficiency in a 14 muscle wheel energy balance.

Those completing this unit will be able to perform a 14 muscle goal balance and utilise the More and Priority modes. They will be able to work with surrogates, describe body movements in anatomical terms and create a simple record of a client balance.

What you will learn in BKP 104™:

  • Major organs of the body
  • 2 six new yang muscles:
    Fascia lata
    Anterior deltoid
    Pectoralis major clavicular
    Anterior tibials
    Teres minor
  • Thie 14 muscle balance – fix-as-you-go
  • More mode
  • Body movements
  • Using a surrogate for the client
  • Using surrogate muscles
  • Using surrogate structures
  • Knowledge of the principles and philosophy of Kinesiology
  • Wheel rules
  • Priority mode
  • Create a basic client health record


  • BKP 1.103

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