FAC1A License Payment


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FAC 1A to teach PKP™ Practitioner Certification – 5 days

FAC 1 is regularly taught as two 5 day workshops, FAC 1A and FAC 1B, rather than one single ten day workshop.
ICPKP® License Fee: $NZ150. Total course cost varies depending on location, currency and other factors.
FAC 1A covers:
  • BKP 101 – 105
  • RBT 201
  • SPM 102
  • Exams: Practical, Oral, Written (P.O.W.)

To attend FAC 1 you must:

  • have completed all course content covered in FAC 1 (training & practical work) prior to acceptance into the Faculty workshop.
  • have completed the SAJ, Online Tests, End-of-Series Tests & Case Studies for the units covered in the workshop.