Ms Kathryn Momsen

In by Brad Tipper

My love affair with Kinesiology began in the early 1990s.

At the time, I was searching for a way to break out of old, painful emotional behaviours and open a doorway to change. I recognised the habits that trapped me, and really wanted to shed them, but try as I might, I couldn’t shift them on my own. I experienced many, many therapies in my quest, but eventually I always seemed to end up back on the same old merry-go-round – then one day a random conversation led me to a wonderful Kinesiology Practitioner.

Kinesiology became the catalyst for accessing all my inner knowledge, bringing to the surface conscious, life changing awareness and realisations that lead me to a clear understanding that I had choice in everything I did. I gained a sense of courage, inner wisdom and clarity I never imagined I had inside me and my life changed with each new day as I began to learn who I was, what I thought, what I wanted, what I felt. Unshackled from the limitations of my past, I was free to create a new and empowering vista for my life.

Presented with a physical health crisis in recent years, my wonderful Kinesiology Practitioners and teachers once again guided and supported me to a very personal and individual healing journey, igniting the skills and courage I needed to make the health care choices that felt right for me.

I am still in awe of what’s possible and today, as a qualified Practitioner myself, I am passionate about sharing this extraordinary healing art and its powerful tools for change, growth and optimal wellness with my clients.

Contact details:

Clinic Location: 

Kinesiology Connection,
Saturdays – By appointment only

Kinesiology Connection: 03 9819 6835
Mobile:                       0439 329 774

Other Qualifications:


Contact Kathryn

Mobile Phone: 0439 329 774