Kinesiology and Other Therapies

Professional Kinesiology Practice is related to a range of other medical and wellness therapies and has its roots in several of them. This article examines the similarities, differences and points of connection with the most well known of these therapies.

Applied Kinesiology (AK)

The PKP kinesiology programme grew originally from Applied Kinesiology (AK) a system using muscle testing as a functional neurological evaluation which itself grew out of chiropractic. Dr Dewe trained in Applied Kinesiology but noted that year by year it became more orientated towards the medical model. Dr. Dewe was more interested in the ‘energy’ model of medicine and the effects of thoughts, emotions and spiritual aspirations on human function and structure. So PKP has moved away from AK and the Newtonian model to the quantum model of physics and energy.

AK was founded and developed by Dr. George Goodheart, Jr.DC, a chiropractor who describes AK as a diagnostic system using muscle testing to augment normal examination procedures. Further advances have been made by members of the International College of Applied Kinesiology.

The methodology of AK is concerned primarily with neuromuscular function as it relates to the structural, chemical and mental physiologic regulatory mechanisms. Although AK originated within the chiropractic profession, it is an approach to clinical practice, with multidisciplinary applications.

The different procedures developed by Dr. Goodheart and others in the International College of Applied Kinesiology are derived from many disciplines including chiropractic, osteopathy, medicine, dentistry, acupuncture, biochemistry, etc.., and are currently being used by doctors of chiropractic, osteopathy, homeopathy, dentistry and medicine.

Applied Kinesiology is performed by health care professionals. They must be a medical doctor, osteopath, chiropractor or a dentist. They then study Applied Kinesiology in a post graduate setting usually in weekend classes. The basic course takes over 100 hours of classroom study and many hours of study and practice at home. A basic proficiency in Applied Kinesiology is tested for at the end of this basic class. Continuing classes are taken to reach the next step where a diplomate exam, a complete understanding as shown by a written and oral test, is taken. To attain this level, over 300 hours of classroom study are required along with the writing of at least two research papers.

Less than 10% of people attend chiropractors for reasons other than physical or rheumatic complaints.


Daniel David Palmer launched this profession in the USA in 1895. The word ’chiropractic’ comes from the Greek for manual medicine or ’manual practice’. Palmer taught that we should look to the spine for the cause of disease because it protects the spinal cord through which the vital forces flow and are mediated to the body through the spinal nerves.

Palmer postulated his system of health care based on his hypothesis of misaligned spinal segments. Manual adjustment of these involved parts of the spine would promote health in the area of the body supplied by the involved nerves. About half the people attending chiropractors seek help for low back pain, one quarter come with neck and arm problems.


Like osteopaths, PKP trained kinesiologists place great emphasis on the close relationship between structure and function in the body. The founder of Osteopathy, Andrew Still (1828-1917) believed that abnormal structure influenced the circulation of the body. From this came his famous axion, ’The artery is supreme’, meaning that where the blood supply was normal the body would function normally. PKP trained kinesiologists do not hold this teaching but show with muscle testing which of the many energy circuits in the body are out of balance. This understanding is closer to acupuncture.

Osteopaths teach that abnormalities in spinal structure interfere with normal circulation (while Chiropractors teach that abnormalities in spinal structure interfere with normal spinal nerves transmission) and this affects the skeleton, the muscles, circulation and all the organs of the body.

Osteopaths place emphasis on the mobilty of the ribcage and the thoracic and pelvic diaphragms as well as the spine. Most people attending an Osteopath do so for musculoskeletal injuries. PKP trained kinesiologists also work with musculoskeletal injuries and have special protocols for dealing with shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle problems as well as the core muscles of the trunk.


Kinesiology uses the meridian energy understanding from acupuncture which is possibly the oldest natural therapy. Writings on Chinese medicine go back to the Nei Ching written almost 5000 years ago. The Chinese teach there are 26 main energy circuits in the body. These contain the dual energy flows of yin and yang which make up the life force energy or Chi (Chee).

By piercing the skin at certain points (called acupuncture points) the acupuncturists stimulates or sedates the flow of energy in the meridian system. Illness is the result of imbalance in the meridian energy circuits and is restored when balance is achieved.

Unlike acupuncturists, kinesiologists do not use needles to stimulate acupuncture points. Kinesiologists stimulate meridian energy in other ways including acupressure. PKP trained kinesiologists always test to find the emotional component of the energy imbalance in a meridian. Diagnosis is made by feeling the pulses at the wrists. PKP trained kinesiologists do not make medical diagnoses, nor do they treat diagnoses. PKP trained kinesiologists work with the whole person; body, mind and spirit.


Kinesiologists may at times recommend Homeopathic remedies. Classical homeopathy originated in the 19th century with Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann (1755-1843) as an alternative to the standard medical practices of the day, such as phlebotomy or bloodletting. Instead, he argued that disease should be treated by helping the vital force restore the body to harmony and balance.

Hahnemann put forth his ideas of disease and treatment in The Organon of Homeopathic Medicine (1810) and Theory of Chronic Diseases (1821). The term ‘homeopathy’ is derived from two Greek words: homeo (similar) and pathos (suffering).

Classical homeopathy is generally defined as a system of medical treatment based on the use of minute quantities of remedies that in larger doses produce effects similar to those of the disease being treated. Hahnemann believed that very small doses of a medication could have very powerful healing effects because their potency could be affected by vigorous and methodical shaking (succussion).

Homeopathic remedies (also called homeopathics) are a system of medicine based on three principles:

  1. Like Cures Like:
    • For example, if the symptoms of your cold are similar to poisoning by mercury, then mercury would be your homeopathic remedy.
  2. Minimal Dose:
    • The remedy is taken in an extremely dilute form; normally one part of the remedy to around 1,000,000,000,000 parts of water.
  3. The Single Remedy:
    • No matter how many symptoms are experienced, only one remedy is taken, and that remedy will be aimed at all those symptoms.

PKP trained kinesiologists do not use Hahnemann’s diagnostic techniques. They work at correcting energy imbalances in the meridian and chakra energy systems. Any remedy used is chosen because it balance the energy in a meridian that is either under- or overenergised.