Carole Florence

In by Brad Tipper

Carole Florence ND is a practicing Traditional Naturopath offering a variety of health care services including consultations, health assessments, body work and energy work to individuals and families. Carole is a Certified PKP™ Kinesiologist®, Medicinal Herbalist, Reiki Master, licensed Massage Therapist and Educator. She is on the faculty of the Ann Arbor School of Massage, Herbal & Natural Medicine teaching introductory and Advanced classes per the curriculum. She is on the faculty of the International College of Professional Kinesiology (Auckland, New Zealand) teaching Epigenetics Healing Cycles & Stress / Pain Management. Carole is also a member of the American Massage Therapy Association.

Carole’s scope of practice includes all aspects of Traditional Naturopathy which build lifelong health and focuses on treating the client as a whole.  She works to educate and inform her clients with regard to natural health options.

Carole’s treatment approach emphasizes personal empowerment, preventative care and whole body wellness.

Carole’s approach to teaching includes experiential hands-on activities in her classes.

Other Qualifications:


Contact Carole

Mobile Phone: 734-649-9953