Clinical Practice Management 1
Home Study Unit
This subject covers the introductory skills and knowledge required to work effectively in the Complementary Health framework with patients, clients, staff, visitors, suppliers and others to meet established work requirements, and to be able to refer clients on to other practitioners when appropriate. The workplace context may be a specific community or regional service, a department of a large institution or organisation, or a specialised service or organisation.
HLT07 National Health Training Package.
Elements of Learning:
- Your Career in the Health Industry
- The Role of Organisation
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Organisational Behaviour
- Quality Improvement
- Professional Development
- The Healing Framework
- Making Referrals
This unit contains the following two Australian national qualification standards:
- HLTHIR301C Work effectively in the Health Industry
- HLTKIN401C Work within a kinesiology framework
- HLTCOM406C Make referrals to other health care professionals when appropriate
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