ICPKP Affiliated College, Kinesiocoach, recently hosted a successful Faculty Training Workshop at their Dubai campus.
This was a rare opportunity for students to train with ICPKP founder Dr Bruce Dewe and experienced Faculty Trainer Rowena Ritchie. Everyone came away from the workshop inspired to take their PKP™ training to the next level both as practitioners and as teachers.
Here is some of the feedback we’ve received from those who attended:
“It’s been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences I have encountered. It gave me the confidence and the wings to continue evolving and sharing a passion, PKP™. I feel blessed and grateful for being able to meet in person Dr Dewe, to receive outstanding teachings from Rowena Ritchie and getting to meet my amazing colleagues who become my new family. Thanks a lot!”
– Maria Laura Bottini“Faculty training opened my eyes and I realised that it is not about being perfect and having all the answers, its about allowing yourself to flow. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable, embrace your imperfections, opening up to connecting with others, teaching and learning from each other. PKP™ is a wonderful family to be part of and that you don’t have to be perfect to be part of it.”– Bronwyn Pretorius“With a sudden desire to start teaching PKP™ in March this year, I saw FAC as the first thing I needed to do. I did not expect the glorious experience that I had. I came away with a deepened knowledge and confidence with the wonderful techniques I already know, I absorbed new ways to inspire the learning of our students, and thanks to Dr Dewe and Rowena, gained immense confidence in actually being able to follow my aspirations of teaching this wonderful modality. I now feel I have the foundations for a great learning centre that will authentically grow the PKP™ family.”– Jessica Wiel“FAC 1 is an extraordinary experience where you have the chance to go deep in the understanding of PKP™, what it means and how it can change people’s life. Teaching is learning again from a different perspective – and thanks to that knowledge I now feel like a complete kinesiologist. I am confident and determined to share & teach this precious knowledge to many people out in this world in need to make a difference in their life.”– Philippe Berthelot“Completing the faculty training was an amazing experience and one I will forever remember. As well as enhancing my skills as a teacher and ICPKP Practitioner I learned so much from Rowena and Dr. Dewe. Their way of teaching was a perfect blend of immense intellect, practicality and passion. It really helped to build my confidence as they taught with kindness, to come from a space of love and always trust the process. I felt I received an inheritance which was entrusted in good faith for me to continue to uphold the ICPKP standard and has inspired me to share the same passion, love and know-how with my clients and future students.”– Helena Hyde“Not only did the training reconnect me with my love and fascination of PKP, but seeing the passion Dr Dewe still has for the fundamental aspects of the work was truly illuminating. Sharing the experience with such an amazing group of practitioners from around the world was an aspect of the experience that enriched my soul. Being a member of the global ICPKP faculty community is a privilege and a joy, and I look forward to FAC 2.”– Christine Chadwick