What is PKP?
PKP™ is the most holistic of the Complementary Therapies
PKP™ is about expecting miracles.
It is about helping people making positive, long-lasting differences in their lives. It is about believing quantum physics is active in the macro- as well as the microscopic world. PKP™ Practitioners do not ‘work on’ clients; they walk beside their client, helping them to make positive steps on their life’s journey. PKP™ is a Process that is Kind and Professional.
In 1977 a NZ woman with chronic back pain experienced a Chiropractic Applied Kinesiology treatment in California, USA. The unexpected success of that treatment inspired Dr Bruce Dewe MD to investigation that led to the development of PKP™. Thirty-five years later, in 2013 the University of Southampton, UK awarded the first PhD in PKP™ to ICPKP Faculty Member Dr Susan Eardley whose research showed that PKP™ was more effective in relieving chronic low back pain than other modalities.
PKP™ is about the journey of life.
The goals we set are our desired outcomes, our prayers, and our recognition of how we need to participate. Our sessions bring to light the reality of where we are, they show us the next step and make the pathway of our WHY more clear. These are indeed blessings.
When people ask Dr. Dewe, “what is PKP™?” about he often says, “PKP™ is about expecting miracles”. It may not happen on visit #1 but as a relationship of trust is built between client and practitioner, it happens. Between the two, the mode is found that provides the ritual that enables the client to step outside the conventional possibilities and experience what is in worldly terms a “miracle”.
PKP™ is easy to learn.
It is a participatory process, a tool, a love story, and the most holistic of the complementary therapies. To fully use the Protocol means stepping outside the camp of conventional thought and belief. PKP™ moves beyond the clockwork, deterministic Newtonian physics and Carthesian dualism (that rule medicine) and the simple kinesiology of human movement and embraces the ‘secret life of your cells’ (Cleve Backster) and the ‘Entanglement’ of quantum physics.
Some branches of energy (or specialised) kinesiology talk about educating the client about the mind-body connection and so on, and while this may be true for part of some PKP™ sessions, the main focus of PKP™ is on helping the client make the connections for themselves so that they learn from themselves through the process and are thus wiser because of it, and become more able to make better choices. Dr. Dewe states that PKP™ goes beyond body-mind and includes Body, Soul and Spirit – with Soul being the Mind, Will and Emotions. These are not separated facets but intertwined, harmonising declarations of the human being.
The International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice (ICPKP®) has taken the time to produce a progressive, student-centred, sequential, educationally-sound training, looking in depth at the origins of the work and making sure the epistemology and ontology are in the same model. PKP™ is not a mix of the energy and treatment models as most other kinesiologies and complementary healing modalities are.
Dr. Dewe has known since the mid 1970s, that kinesiology was related to God’s ‘plan’ for self-responsibility for each one of us. The PKP™ Practitioner must be prepared to go outside the norm – the treatment model – in order for their clients to achieve miracles.