The International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice

The International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice (ICPKP®) provides training for Kinesiopractors® and High Level Wellness and Vitality Consultants™.

A good Kinesiopractor® is a blend between a guide, a coach, a wise observer and a companion who helps each client look at their life, see what is working and what is not, and accept that change is needed. A Kinesiopractor® walks beside them as they make positive long-lasting changes that will enable them to live a meaningful life of purpose.

Kinesiopractors® do not ‘work on’ clients. They work with energy systems and assist clients to restore the flow of their own natural energies, maximise their body’s healing opportunities and help them achieve their maximum potential as a human being.

The Origins of PKP™

Dr Bruce Dewe is recognised as one of the Founding Fathers of Energy Kinesiology which he was first exposed to in 1977. He took Dr John Thie’s Touch for Health training and Instructor Training to learn the process that Dr Thie DC had simplified from Dr George Goodheart’s Applied Kinesiology. Having taught Anatomy at the Auckland Medical School, Dr Dewe started to build on the available knowledge immediately and researched more than treble the number of muscles taught in TFH or AK at that time before he moved beyond the physical into the quantum realm. Learn more about early PKP research.

Dr Dewe’s focus was to eliminate the Medical Model, Newtonian Physics, Carthesian Duality and Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest mentalities from his teaching. The resulting PKP™ Protocol makes a PKP™ session (called a balance) a journey where the Kinesiopractor® walks beside their client as that person discovers their own pathway forward.

Education, not Treatment

Important Note: There is no such thing as an ICPKP® treatment, cure or remedy. ICPKP® does not teach the treating of medical conditions or diagnoses. ICPKP® graduates do not treat anything. An ICPKP® graduate aims to educate the person so that they can choose to move beyond neutral, progressively leave the obstacles from their past behind them and have the power to achieve high level wellness and their full potential.

If you choose to embark on a career in Kinesiopractic®, it is the love in your heart and your willingness to walk alongside your clients, as they find their own solutions, and make choices that work for their highest good, that will set you apart and motivate others to learn, grow and embrace life to the full.

ICPKP® is not itself a training college.

ICPKP® does not take students or run courses in Kinesiopractic® but provides teaching materials and assessment tools to Affiliated Colleges who wish to teach this material.

Affiliated Colleges

Kinesiology institutes and colleges around the world have the opportunity to adopt units from the ICPKP syllabus to meet the kinesiology requirements for national certificates and diplomas in kinesiology in their country. Colleges that meet ICPKP requirements are accredited to teach ICPKP material.

ICPKP Faculty Status

ICPKP run a series of Faculty Admission Courses for those wishing to teach ICPKP® material, and graduates of these courses can become ICPKP Faculty. Colleges who wish to provide courses which utilize ICPKP® units must use teachers who have achieved ICPKP® Faculty Status to teach ICPKP material.

Note: People with ICPKP Faculty Status are given the courtesy title of ICPKP® Faculty Member although they are not employed by ICPKP®. Faculty Status and the courtesy title Faculty Member allows them to teach ICPKP® course material through an Affiliated College.