Dr Bruce and Joan Dewe recently returned from the USA where they were privileged to attend and hold workshops at the 44th Annual TFHKA Conference in Boise, Idaho. The workshops included Instructor Training for the three most popular K-Power® workshops, Stress Release made Easy, Tibetan Energy & Vitality, and Your DNA is Not Your Destiny (Epigenetic Healing Cycles). It was a real joy for the Dewes to reconnect with old friends from the TFH world and introduce them to the latest in PKP™ Kinesiopractic® training.
Following the conference, Bruce and Joan also held their FPK2 Crossover Course which allows Touch For Health graduates to transition into PKP’s professional practitioner training without having to repeat all their previous study. Dr Dewe says,
“Fifteen of us stayed on in Boise for the Post TFH Conference Crossover Class for TFH Instructors (& TFH 4 Grads) who want to achieve International Certification as a PKP™ Practitioner and also attend TT2 so they can teach Practitioner Level Kinesiology. There were some profound personal changes/upgrades. We all found more of our magic and left more obstacles from our past behind us. It was fun.”
Attendees shared their positive experiences:
“I really enjoyed the post conference workshops In Boise Idaho. I expanded my current knowledge base with new techniques that I can integrate quickly into my practice. I had some personal, transformational experiences! With ease I was able to release an old skiing injury from 27 years ago, this work brought instant results to a chronic pain in my back! I’m very grateful for having this experience and to be able to share it! Thanks to the “Power of Kindness”. I really enjoyed learning with Dr. Bruce and Joan Dewe, as well as receiving the most wonderful energetic balances from all of these fantastic people that attended the class with me. I will save these memories in my heart forever!”– Christine Plumb, AB
“The cross-over showed us interesting variations to get more profound and comprehensive outcomes. A big relief was the combination of Emotional balancing with affirmations made personally relevant to the subject using intention setting, humming/counting, alarm points, negative and positive emotions, corresponding affirmation options, temporal tapping circles with eye rotation [open & closed]. IMMEDIATE OUTCOMES, WOW!”– Martee ThOMus TegTmeyer, CANADA