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Relief from drug addiction

Mine is a story of what I believe to be medical negligence, near tragedy and death, but most importantly undeniable triumph! Sadly, I realize that my story is not unique and that most are not fortunate enough to have a happy ending. If my story in anyway strikes a chord with you, I ask that you look deep inside and find the reason why, and based on what you are reading, make what is your “right” decision to ensure your own happy ending?..

It all started with losing my father, going through a divorce and losing a business all in a very short space of time. I felt like I was drowning and did what most people do during difficult times and consulted a doctor for help. Before I knew it I was told that I had a “chemical imbalance”, diagnosed with schizophrenia, psychosis etc. and immediately put on anti-depressants, tranquillizers and sleeping tablets.

My “treatment” changed my personality. I alienated not only my friends, but my family too - you see the tablets put me in a false sense of reality, completely masked my emotions and I became a living zombie. (An impossible one I might add!!) Because of the drugs, I was physically and emotionally unable to deal with the natural emotions I should have been dealing with and so of course I went from bad to worse.

A year ago - at what was almost the end of my life, I was on 23 prescribed tablets a day. I had a 6 month repeat prescription for all these tablets and promptly went off to a few pharmacies and filled all 6 prescriptions. I then went home and took all the tablets I had and lay down to die? At that stage the only light I could see at the end of the tunnel was another on-coming train!

Fortunately when I wasn’t answering my phone my family grew suspicious and drove to my house to check on me. They found me already unconscious. I was rushed to hospital where the battle to save my life began. Due to the amount of drugs I had taken, the outlook was very bleak and the doctors were sure that if an “unlikely” miracle occurred and I did live it would be as a vegetable. My mother was given the option of “letting me go”. Thankfully, she never gave up and 3 days later I began showing signs of waking from the coma. My first memory is of my mom and I sitting on my hospital bed and her asking me why I had done it and what she could do to help me. I had by then realized that the drugs were making me worse and not in anyway well! I promised to come off the pills and my mom promised to do whatever it took to help me.

Our first stop after my discharge was at Margie [Margie Donde, principal of the Kinesiology Centre for International Studies, South Africa] for a kinesiology session. Margie was filled with empathy, completely non judgemental and determined to help. I saw her on a regular basis for a 2 month period - during which time I was going through severe drug withdrawl. Looking back, I now realize that so-called prescription drugs are no better that “street” drugs because I was sure I was going to die. The physical pain was immense and I can’t imagine cocaine or heroine withdrawal being any harder!

My kinesiology sessions with Margie allowed my body to alert her to the issues I needed to deal with and there was no hiding here of “I don’t know what you are talking about!” Believe me, the body doesn’t lie! Together, we dealt with all my issues, the treatments helped ease the withdrawal and 3 months later I was being told by those closest to me that I was back to my “old” self!

My family relationships and bonds were not only re-instated, but strengthened and miraculously I have no effects from the overdose (brain damage, deafness or blindness etc.) A year later I am running a very successful business, and I am once again independent but probably most importantly I am finally proud of myself and who I am! And thankfully, I am here to tell my story.

I have learnt so much from this experience, but mostly I would like to acknowledge that at some point in our lives we are all faced with something we are sure we can’t deal with. I am not suggesting that we need to face that alone, but I am suggesting that, that does not mean we need anti-depressants or tranquillisers to help us through. Based on my experience, all we need is someone impartial to talk to and we need to acknowledge what our issues are (which is often the hardest part!) and then face them head on. To assist in this process, I would highly recommend kinesiology as it is sure to uncover everything you should be facing up to and there can be no “hiding”!

Pain and hardship are part of life and I know never easy to deal with. I just don’t believe that drugs are the way to deal with things - talking is - even if it means facing our worst nightmares? Even if you go the route of drugs, and if you are lucky enough to ever come off them or even live through being on them, believe me, you are going to have to face those nightmares anyway!

C.J., South Africa

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PKP Client Comments
PKP helps stroke victim find his voice again.
Posture Improved with PKP Hyoid Balance
Energy Restored after 10 years of Chronic Fatigue
Tiredness and depression replaced by energy and positivity
Kinesiology helps related emotional and physical issues
Strength returns to a weak arm
Energy restored on many levels
Relief from M.E. / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Child freed from ongoing sickness and anxiety/panic attacks
Kinesiology and Children
Badly sprained ankle responds well to kinesiology
Fast Recovery after Severe Allergic Reaction
Kinesiology Aids Healing After Car Accident
Kinesiology Restores Confidence and Learning Abilities
Relationship Gains a New Lease of Life
Emotional 'Baggage' and Substance Abuse Eliminated
Relief from drug addiction
Kinesiology brings relief from Serious Bowel Problems
Healthy Heart through Kinesiology
Relief at last from Chronic Post-Surgery Pain
Chronic Breathing Problem Relieved
Stress Release Restores Family Relationship
Neck/Back and PMS Pain Relief
Major Migraine Relief
Serious Stress Relief with Kinesiology
Excessive Anger Issues Resolved
Kinesiology helps Fears and Phobias
Amazing Migraine Relief through Kinesiology
Help for a Chest Infection
Dramatic Results for Child with ADHD
Family Relationships helped through Kinesiology
Kinesiology helps Exam Stress
Significant Improvement in Gymnastics Performance
Successful Treatment for Peanut Allergy